The Months of the Year
(To the Tune of “Three Blind Mice”)
January, February, March,
April, May, June.
July, August, September,
October, November, December.
These are the twelve months of the year.
Now sing them together so we can all hear.
How many months are there in a year?
Twelve months in a year.
Months of the Year
January, February, March, and April,
May, June, July, August, and September,
October, November, and December,
These are the months of the year.
(to the tune of The Battle Hymn of the Republic)
and August
Septembers on it’s way,
and November
and Decembers at the end,
Then we start all over again…
Months And Seasons
January, February, middle of March,
Brrr! In the cold I’m stiff as starch!
Let’s make a snowball, sled down a hill.
Wintertime, wintertime, time to chill!
April, May, to the middle of June,
Ahh! What a nice cool afternoon!
Let’s fly a kite, and plant pretty flowers.
Springtime, springtime, time for showers!
July, August, middle of September.
Ouch! Got a sunburn I’ll always remember!
Let’s go swimming, let’s eat a peach.
Summertime, summertime, time for the beach!
October, November, middle of December.
Hey! each day grows shorter than September!
Let’s see the leaves fall, let’s bake a cake
Autumntime, autumntime, time for a rake!
Hooray for the seasons all through the year,
One just left and another one’s here!
I love the seasons, each is a ball:
Wintertime, springtime, summertime, fall.
Meish Goldish.
The Months
January brings the snow;
Makes our feet and fingers glow.
February brings the rain;
Thaws the frozen pond again.
March brings the wind so cold and chill;
Drives the cattle from the hill.
April brings us sun and showers,
And the pretty wildwood flowers.
May brings grass and leafy trees,
Waving in each gentle breeze.
June brings roses, fresh and fair,
And the cherries ripe and rare.
July brings the greatest heat,
Cloudless skies and dusty street.
August brings the golden grain;
Harvest time is here again.
Mild September brings us more
Fruit and grain, for winter store.
Brown October brings the last
Of ripening gifts, from summer past.
Dull November brings the blast:
Down from the trees the leaves fall fast.
Cold December ends the rhyme
With blazing fires and Christmas time.
Sara Coleridge
Calendar Song
(To the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle”)
When we do the calendar
We learn the month the date the year.
Every week day has a name
There are lots of numbers that look the same.
So let’s begin to show you how
We do the calendar right now.
Every Week
(tune: Are you Sleeping)
Every week has 7 days,
See how many you can say.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday. What’s today?
Days of the Week
(to the tune of Frere Jacques!)
These are all the
da-ays of the we-ek,
Sing with me,
Sing with me.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
A day to play.
(to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”)
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday too.
Wednesday, Thursday just for you.
Friday, Saturday that’s the end .
Now let’s say those days again!
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday!
days of the week
(to the tune of “The Addams Family”)
Days of the week, (snap snap)
Days of the week, (snap snap)
Days of the week,
Days of the week,
Days of the week. (snap snap)
There’s Sunday and there’s Monday,
There’s Tuesday and there’s Wednesday,
There’s Thursday and there’s Friday,
And then there’s Saturday.
Days of the week, (snap snap)
Days of the week, (snap snap)
Days of the week,
Days of the week,
Days of the week. (snap snap)
Days of the Week
(to the tune of “Oh My Darling Clementine”)
Submitted by Beverly Matoney
There are seven days, there are seven days,
There are seven days in the week.
There are seven days, there are seven days,
There are seven days in the week.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
(To the tune of “Frere Jacques)
Today is Monday
(Today is Monday)
April 12th
(April 12th)
That’s the date
(That’s the date).
(to the tune of Frere Jacques)
Tuesday, Tuesday,
Tuesday, Tuesday,
All day long, all day long,
Yesterday was Monday, tomorrow will be Wednesday,
Oh, what fun! Oh, what fun!
Sunday, Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Today is Song
(To the tune of “Frere Jacques”)
Today is _______.
Today is _______.
All day long, all day long.
Yesterday was ______.
Tomorrow will be _______.
Oh what fun!
Oh what fun!