by Dan Lukiv
Kim was such a funny thing;
She loved to dance and play.
She poked a bully in the nose
And jigged upon his toes.
The bully did not like this,
And he really told her so.
He shook his fist,
He really did,
So Kim ran off and hid.
Now the scene got messy
When that bully found her out.
He spied her crouched behind a tree
And kicked her in the knee.
She could have cried
Or maybe screamed
And brought the teachers running,
But instead
She twirled that boy,
That boy called Bobby Roy.
He found he liked to dance along;
He’d never felt so nimble.
Arms and legs–two by two,
Swung so quickly–who was who?
How surprised the children were
To see this couple laugh.
Had that bully met his match,
A girl who really was a catch?
Copyrighted © 2001 by Dan Lukiv