Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day

Old Groundhog stretched in his leafy bed.
He turned over slowly and then he said,
“I wonder if spring is on the way,
I’ll go and check the weather today.
If I see my shadow between eleven and noon,
I then will know that I’m out too soon.
I’ll crawl back in bed for six weeks more,
Pull up the warm covers and snore and snore.
But if no shadow gives me a scare,
I know that spring is in the air,
I’ll wake my friends and wish them cheer,
With glorious news that spring is here.”

The Second of February

There’s only the day the whole long year,
That I hope and pray the sun won’t appear.
The second of February, you all know,
The groundhog goes searching for his shadow.
If he should find it, the story is told,
We’ll have six more weeks of winter’s cold.
But if it is cloudy, his shadow’s not there,
There’ll soon be warm weather and days will be fair.
So please, Mr. Sun, for just this one day.
Find a big dark cloud – and stay away!

The Groundhog

The funny little groundhog
Digs a home in the fall,
And hides there all winter
Rolled up in a ball.
On February 2nd
He comes out of there
To look at the sky
And to sniff the air.

See My Shadow

(to the tune of “Frere Jacques”)

See my shadow,
See my shadow,
Move this way,
Move this way,
Doing things that I do,
Doing things that I do,
Follow me,
Follow me.

To the Groundhog

Will you
Won’t you
See your shadow?

Will it
Won’t it
Really matter?

Do you
Don’t you
Grin to see

Take you

Groundhog’s Holiday

The second month, the second day,
We know is Groundhog’s Holiday.
The keeper of the local zoo,
Photographers, reporters, too,
Anxiously await together
Woodchuck’s forecast of the weather.
Each year this time he leaves his hearth,
His home beneath good Mother Earth.
He wiggles out to see the sun
And sure enough – ask anyone-
Should he perchance his shadow see,
Back to his home again he’ll flee.
And that sign’s still the surest thing
Six weeks must pass before it’s spring!

Shadow Time

(to the tune of “The Itsy-bitsy Spider”)

The furry little groundhog
Goes in his hole to sleep,
Through the cold winter’s
Snow and ice so deep,
In February
He stretches to and fro,
Does the furry little groundhog
Get scared by his shadow?

Mr. Groundhog’s Shadow

A groundhog lives down deep in the ground.
He sleeps through the winter.
And every year about this time,
He wakes up and wonders,
“Is it time to get out of bed
Or pull the covers back over my head?”
So he pokes his head up out of the ground.
Will he see his shadow?

Groundhog, Groundhog

Groundhog, groundhog,
Funny little ground hog,
Peep from your warm winter den.
Sunshine, sunshine,
Bright and yellow sunshine,
Back to sleep and hide your head.

Groundhog, groundhog,
Funny little ground hog,
Peep from your warm winter den.
Cloudy, cloudy,
Overcast and cloudy,
Spring’s on the way it’s said.

Little Groundhog

(to the tune of “Little White Duck”)

There’s a little groundhog
Who lives in the ground,
A little groundhog
Who likes to look around.
She comes outside on Groundhog’s Day
If she sees her shadow, then she runs away.
There’s a little groundhog,
Who loves to stay and play
When spring’s on its way.

Little Groundhog

I’m a little groundhog
Short and stout.
On Groundhog Day
I always come out.
If the sun is shining
My shadow, I will see.
If the sun’s not out
Then you’ll only see me.
Shine, sun, shine
Winter’s here for six weeks more.
Shine, sun, shine
Because I want to snore.
If you do not shine
And my shadow’s not out,
Spring is here!
Everybody will shout.

I’m a Little Groundhog

(to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”)

I’m a little groundhog short and stout,
February second I will come out.
If I see my shadow they will shout,
“Six weeks more winter without doubt!”

I’m A Little Groundhog

(to the tune of “I’m A Little Teapot”)

I’m a little groundhog, it’s my day.
Wake and stretch, go out and play.
Down in my burrow, down so deep,
Time to wake, from my long winter’s sleep.

Grumble, grumble, scratch, scratch,
Grunt, grunt, yawn.
I’ll eat my breakfast in your front lawn.
I’m a little groundhog, it’s my day.
Wake and stretch, go out and play.

Here’s a Little Groundhog

(to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”)

Here’s a little groundhog, furry and brown,
He’s popping up to look around.
If he sees his shadow, down he’ll go.
Then six more weeks of winter – Oh No!!

Groundhog Day

Groundhog, groundhog,
What do you seek?
As out of your hole
You quietly peek.

If the day be fair
Your shadow will be
Cast on the ground
For all to see.

And back to your lair,
You’ll quickly creep
And for six long weeks
Again you’ll sleep.

But if we’re lucky,
The sky will be gray,
And your shadow
Today will be far away.

Then all of us
Will dance and sing.
‘Cause just around the corner
Here comes Spring!

Mary Toots

Mr. Groundhog’s Day

On February second
The groundhog looked about
The sun was shining brightly
But his shadow wasn’t out.

Mr. Woolly Bear was watching
The groundhog search around
“Mr. Groundhog look behind you
Your shadow’s on the ground.”

“Hooray”, the groundhog shouted
“For once we both agree
Six more weeks of winter weather
Six more weeks of sleep for me.”


The groundhog emerges on February two
To see if the sky is sunny and blue.
It seems rather funny
That if it is sunny
The groundhog goes back in his hole
For six weeks of winter.

Mr. Groundhog

(to the tune of “London Bridges”)

Mr. Groundhog down below,
Pop up through the fluffy snow,
See his shadow watch him go,
Winter’s here to stay.

Mr. Groundhog down below,
Pops up through the fluffy snow,
Wide awake he wants to play,
Spring is on it’s way.

Groundhog Day

A shy little groundhog left his bed,
Heigh Ho! Heigh Ho!
“It must be time for spring,” he said.
He looked to the left, he looked to the right,
The day was clear and the sun was bright;
He saw his shadow and ran in fright.
Then back to his burrow he crept, he crept,
And six more winter weeks he slept.

Fun on Groundhog Day

There are shadows you make in the sunshine,
There are shadows you make by the lamp,
There are shadows that lurk in the forest
While you tell creepy stories at camp.

There are shadows that help you with puppets,
And shadows; you make just for play,
But the shadow that’s famous is Groundhog’s,
When he tells whether winter’s to stay.

Let’s go out very early this morning
And watch for his shadow, my son;
It may not be at all scientific,
But you’ve got to admit that it’s fun!

Barbara Walker

Groundhog Day

(to the tune of “Where is Thumbkin? / Frere Jacques”)

Where is groundhog? Where is groundhog?
   (Thumb behind back)
Here I am! Here I am!
   (Bring thumb forward)
Shadows on this sunny day,
   (wiggle thumb)
Frighten groundhogs all away.
   (Thumb behind back)
Winter will stay! Winter will stay!

Where is groundhog? Where is groundhog?
   (Thumb behind back)
Here I am! Here I am!
   (Bring thumb forward)
My, oh my, a cloudy day.
   (Wiggle thumb)
I will stay outside to play.
   (Move thumb around)
Spring is near! Spring is near!

Can you Play?

(to the tune of “Where is Thumbkin? / Frere Jacques”)

Little Groundhog, little groundhog,
Can you play, can you play?
Popping up your head,
Popping up your head,
Can you play? Don’t run away.
Little Groundhog, Little groundhog,
Can you play, can you play?
Running all around,
On the cold hard ground
Can you play? Please, please stay!
Little groundhog, little groundhog,
Can you play, can you play?
You can’t see your shadow,
You can’t see your shadow,
Here comes spring, hip hooray!

Nine Little Groundhogs

One little, two little,
Three little groundhogs,
Four little, five little,
Six little groundhogs,
Seven little, eight little,
Nine little groundhogs,
Sleeping down under the ground.