- Constellations (K-3)
- Graphing Contellations (3+)
- Alternative Snowflakes (K-2)
- Cloud Watching (3+)
- The Sound of Rain (K+)
- Weather Around the World (5+)
- Making a Rainstick (2+)
- Measuring Rain With a Rain Catcher (6+)
- Acid Rain & Plants (Any)
- Where Does the Wind Come From (2+)
- A Variety of Ways to Make a Windsock
- Air Takes Space #1 (2+)
- Air Takes Space #2 (2+)
- Air Takes Space #3 (1-3)
- Rock Collecting (2-4)
- Making Fossils (K-3) (K+)
- Metamorphic Rock: Melting Rocks (K-3)
- Earthquakes(4+)