Suggested Grades
Graph Questions
- What colour is your hair?
- What colour are your eyes?
- What type of shoe are you wearing? sneakers, sandals, dress shoes…
- What are you going to be for Halloween?
- What kind of Halloween candy do you receive the most of?
- What type of clothing did you where today: shorts, pants, t-shirt, sweater, vest, etc.
- What is your favorite school day?
- What is your favorite holiday?
- What is your favorite season?
- What is your favourite kind of pizza?
- What is your favorite piece of playground equipment?
- What is your favorite summer or winter activity?
- What is your favorite after school activity?
- What is your favorite sport?
- What is your favorite fruit?
- What is your favorite vegetable?
- What is your favorite meal?
- What is your favorite dessert?
- What is your favorite movie?
- What is your favorite cookie?
- What is your favorite pie?
- What’s your favorite juice?.
- What is your favorite cereal?
- What is your favorite fast-food restaurant?
- What is your favorite book title?
- What is your favorite literature genre?
- What is your favorite tv show?
- What day is your favorite TV show on?
- What is your favorite cartoon?
- Who is your favorite super hero?
- What is your favorite time of day? morning, afternoon, evening
- What is your favorite centre?
- What is your favorite coin?
- What is your favorite dinosaur?
- What is your favorite game?
- What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
- Who is your favorite story character?
- What is your favorite subject in school?
- What do you hope to do (or did) on your summer holidays: go to another city (go on vacation), swim in a lake, go hiking, etc.
- Where wouldn’t you like to go on vacation?
- What mode of transportation did your family use when they went on their last holiday: car, bus, boat, train, plane, etc.
- What would you like to be when you grow up?
- What type of dwelling do you live in? house, apartment, condo, townhouse, basement suite, etc.
- How do you like your apples? sliced sauce baked
- Which do you like to color with? crayon marker pencil crayon
- How do you fasten your shoes? buckles laces velcro
- Would you rather have a pet with … Fur Fins Feathers
- What kind Of pizza do you Like? Cheese Pepperoni Sausage
- Which soup do you like best?
- What kind of toothpaste do you like best?
- What you like best to write with? pencil, crayon, marker, chalk…
- What month were you born in?
- How do you feel today?
- Is your shirt Striped print plaid or solid?
- What time did you go to sleep last night?
- How many people are in your family?
- How many brothers do you have?
- How many sisters do you have?
- How many grandmothers/fathers do you have?
- How many teeth have you lost?
- How many pets do you have at home?
- How many windows are in your house?
- How many telephones are in your house?
- How many televisions are in your house?
- How many rooms are in your house?
- How many pairs of shoes do you have?
- How many pockets do you have on your clothing today?
- How many syllables are in your first name?
- How many syllables are in your last name?
- How many letters are in your first name?
- How many letters in your last name?
- How many vowels are in your name?
- How many pencils are in your desk?
- How many books are in your desk?
- How many things did you have for breakfast?
- How many doors are in your house?
- Are you left or right handed?
- Are your hands clean or dirty?
- Are you wearing ______ today? (substitute any colour)
- Did you wear a coat, a sweater, or neither to school today?
- Did you wear mittens, gloves, or neither to school today?
- Do you brush, brush and floss, or neither?
- Do you have a four-legged or two-legged pet?
- Do you like baths or showers?
- Do you like to play inside or outside on a rainy day?
- Do you have a hot or cold lunch today?
- Do you like chocolate, plain, or neither milk?
- How did you feel about coming to school? Happy or sad
- How did you get to school?
- How do you feel on the first day of school?
- How do you get to school?
- How old are you?
- Are you wearing long sleeves or short sleeves?
- Where do you like to swim the most? ocean, lake, pool, none
Yes/No Questions
- Do you have buckles on your shoes?
- Do you like anchovies on pizza?
- Do you like to eat watermelon?
- Did you wear a belt?
- Do you wear glasses?
- Did you wear a coat today?
- Did you wear boots today?
- Do you own a watch?
- Do you have a cowboy hat?
- Does your jacket have a hood?
- Do you have a pet?
- Does your first name have more letters than your last name?
- Do you have a middle name?
- Were you named after someone special?
- Do you like to watch sports?
- Do you have any brothers?
- Do you have any sisters?
- Do you have any brothers or sisters in this school?
- Do you have any brothers or sisters in preschool?
- Do you have any brothers or sisters in high school?
- Did you wash your hair last night?
- Do you think your shoe weighs more than your math book?
- Did you eat breakfast this morning?
- Did you have milk at breakfast?
- Do you have a public library card?
- Do you like broccoli?
- Do you have hair longer than your shoulders?
- Do you have hair shorter than their shoulders?
- Do you like macaroni and cheese?
- Do you know what day of the week you were born on?
- Do you think 30 pennies will cover a dollar completely?
- Does it take longer than 30 minutes for you to get to school?
- Do you like strawberry ice cream?
- Do your shoes have black on them?
- Do you know what day Christmas is on?
- Do you walk to school?
- Do you have a 2-wheel bike?
- Do you have pierced ears?
- Do you know how to roller skate?
- Did you brush your teeth this morning?
- Do you have a teddy bear?
- Do you have your own bedroom?
- Do you have a TV in your bedroom?
- Do you think math is easy?
- Do you like sweet potatoes?
- Do you play a sport?
- Did you carry your lunch today?
- Do you like to bring your lunch to school?
- Do you have a sandwich in your lunch today?
- Do you have a computer at home?
- Do you have eyelets in your shoes?
- Do you know how to swim?
- Do you play an instrument?
- Do you like country/western music?
- Does your grandfather have grey hair?
- Did you comb or brush your hair today?
- Do you like to read?
- Do you have a cat?
- Do you have a dog?
- Do you take gymnastics or karate?
- Does your mom work outside the house?
- Does your grandma or grandpa live in the same town as you?
- Do you like oatmeal?
- Do you walk to school?
- Did you go to the library this week?
- Do you have a computer at home?
- Do you ride a bus to school?
- Do you have a garden at home?
- Did you sleep well last night?
- Have you ever ridden in an airplane?
- Have you ever taken dance lessons?
- Have you lost any of your canine teeth?
- Have you ever been to Walt Disney World/Land?
- Have you ever gone fishing?
- Have you ever had to wear a cast?
- Have you seen one of the Great Lakes?
- Have you ever been to the beach?
- Have you ever ridden in a train?
- Were you in bed at 9:30 last night?
- Have you ever been to our province/state capital?
- Have you ever had to stay overnight in a hospital?
- Have you ever ridden a horse?
- Have you ever been to the ocean?
- Have you ever been to a farm?
- Have you had chicken pox?
- Have you been to another country?
- Have you ever had to get stitches?
- Have you ever ridden in a buggy pulled by a horse?
- Have you lived in any other province/state?
- Have you even baked cookies at home?
- Have you ever seen a rainbow?
- Have you ever been to the zoo?
- Have you ever been to the circus?
- Have you ever mailed a letter?
- Have you ever went to a different school?
- Have you ever played the game Monopoly?
- Can you ride a two wheel bike?
- Can you do a flip?
- Can you jump off the diving board at school?
- Can you with a skipping rope?
- Can you speak another language besides English?
- Can you say all of “Peter Picked A Peck of Pickled Peppers” without a mistake?
- Can you do a magic trick?
- Can you walk to school all by yourself?
- Is your hair naturally curly?
- Is your hair red?
- Is your birthday in the summer?
- Is your glue bottle full?
- Is all the snow gone at your house?
- Is (enter season) your favorite season?
- Were you awake at 6:30 this morning?
- Are you going away during spring?
- Are you wearing socks?