Suggested Grades
Students will analyze propaganda techniques used during war time by designing their own propaganda poster.
- poster paper
- paints & brushes
- markers
- examples of propaganda posters (see link below)
- Explain what propaganda is (“Information or ideas methodically spread to promote or injure a cause, movement, nation, etc.”- Random House Webster’s College Dictionary)
- Show examples of war-time propaganda posters.
- Point out the propaganda techniques used.
- Bandwagon: persuading people to do something by letting them know others are doing it.
- Testimonial: using the words of a famous person to persuade you.
- Transfer: using the names or pictures of famous people, but not direct quotations.
- Repetition: a name is repeated at least four times.
- Emotional words: words that will make you feel strongly about someone or something.
- Also point out the colours and the issues dealt with (eg. conscription, war-bonds, community cooperation, “the enemy”).
- Students design and create their posters, focusing on their ‘angle’.
- Display posters and have class discussion on techniques and content used
- Variations: Students create a war-time propaganda video, radio broadcast or newspaper article.