- Why is it important to be honest?
- Why is important to have good manners?
- Why do you think adults smoke/drink?
- Why is exercise important to someone your age?
- Why do you think some people encourage others to smoke/drink?
- Why do you think the rules you must follow are good or bad?
- Why would it be good to be honest?
- Why have men and women usually only done certain types of work?
- Why should or shouldn’t a man stay home to care for the house and children while his wife goes to work?
- Why do you think some people take advantage of others?
- Why do you think prejudice exists in the world?
- Why would we say that someone is “passing the buck”?
- Why would a Prime Minister have a sign on his desk which read, “The buck stops here”?
- Why do you think tact is an important quality?
- Why is it not wise to squander your money?
- Explain why we say, “dead as a door nail”.
- Think of your favourite toy. Why do you like it best?
- Think of the best teacher you ever had. Why were they a good teacher?