Resources for educators
- Alan and Naomi, Levoy (6+) (Holocaust, U.S)
- Alex, Who Won His War, C. Aaron (5-7)
- All Those Secrets of the World, Jane Yolen, illus. by Leslie Baker. Little, Brown, 1991 (1+)
- Along the Tracks, Tamar Bergman (6+)
- The Angel with a Mouth Organ, Christobel Mattingley (2+)
- The Ark, Benary-Isbert (3+)
- Axe-time, Sword-time, Corcoran (6+)
- Behind Barbed Wire, D.S. Davis, (6+) (Japanese American internment)
- Behind the Secret Window: A Memoir of Hidden Childhood during World War Two, N.S. Toll (5+) (Poland)
- Blitzcat, Westall (6+)
- Bomber’s Moon, Betty Vander Els (3+)
- The Boy from Over There, Bergman (4+) (Holocaust)
- The Bracelet, Yoshiko Uchida (2+)
- Bright Candles, Nathanial Benchley (6+)
- Brother Enemy, Mace (6+) (Holocaust)
- Carrie’s War, Bawden (2+) (U.K)
- Catch Me Once, Catch Me Twice, Janet McNaughton. Tuckamore Books, 1994, (7+) (Canada)
- The Cay Theodore Taylor (4+)
- Chase Me, Catch Nobody, Haugaard (6+)
- Children of Bach, Dillon (6+) (Holocaust)
- The Children’s War, Theodore Taylor (3+)
- The Cookcamp, Gary Paulsen (6+)
- Creche of Krakow, Harvey Hirsch (2+)
- Crutches, Peter Hartling (6+)
- Daniel’s Story, Carol Matas. Scholastic, 1993 (6-8) (Holocaust)
- Darkness Over the Land, Stiles (6+) (Germany)
- David and Jonathan, Cynthia Voigt (6+) (Holocaust)
- Dawn of Fear, Susan Cooper (2+) (England)
- Dear Mili, Wilhelm Grimm (2+)
- The Devil in Vienna, Doris Orgel (6+) (Nazi Germany)
- The Devil’s Arithmetic, J. Yolen (4+)
- Distant Summer, Patterson (6+)
- Don’t Say a Word, Gehrts (6+)
- Eddie Spaghetti on the Home Front, Frascino (3+)
- The Edge of War, Horgan (3+) (Germany)
- The Eternal Spring of Mr. Ito, Garrigue (3+)
- The Exeter Blitz, Rees (6+) (England)
- Faithful Elephants, Tsuchiya (2+)
- The Farm Summer, Donald Hall (2+)
- Fathom Five, Westall (6+)
- Fireweed, Jill Paton Walsh (6+)
- Fly Away Home, Nostlinger (6+)
- Forever Nineteen, Baklanov (6+)
- Goodbye, Glamour Girl, Tamar (6+)
- Good Night, Mr. Tom, Michelle Magorian (6+) (England)
- Henry, Bawden (3+) (England)
- The Hideout, Heuck (3+)
- Hiroshima No Pika, T. Maruki (4+)
- His Enemy, His Friend, Tunis (3+)
- Horses of Anger, Forman (6+)
- The House of Sixty Fathers, Meindert De Jong. Harper & Row, 1956 (4-7) (China)
- How My Parents Learned to Eat, Ina Friedman (2+)
- How’s Business, Alison Prince (3+)
- I am David, Anne Holm, Methuen, 1963 (6-8) (Holocaust)
- I Had Seen Castles, Cynthia Rylant (6+)
- I Looked Right, Denham (6+)
- The Island on Bird Street, Uri Orlev (4+) (Holocaust, Poland)
- Jacob’s Rescue, Malka Drucker & Michael Halperin (4+) (Holocaust)
- Journey to America, Sonia Levitin. Aladdin, 1987 (4-6) (Holocaust)
- Journey to Topaz: A Story of the Japanese-American Evacuation, Yoshiko Uchida (6+)
- The Kingdom by the Sea, Westall (3+)
- The Last Mission, Mazer (6+)
- Letters From Italy, Fisher (3+)
- Let the Celebrations Begin, Margaret Wild (2+)
- The Lights Go on Again, Kit Pearson. Penguin, 1994 (1993) (5+)
- The Lily Cupboard, Shulamith Openheim (3+) (Holocaust)
- Lisa’s War, Carol Matas, (6+) (Holocaust)
- The Little Riders, Shemin (3+)
- The Long-haired Boy, Matthew (6+)
- Long Live the Republic Jan prochazka (5+)
- The Long Night Watch, Southall (6+)
- Looking at the Moon, Kit Pearson. Puffin Books, 1993 (1991) (5+)
- Los Alamos Light, Bograd (6+)
- Love You Soldier, Amy Hest (3+)
- McKenzie’s Boots, Noonan (6+) (Australia)
- The Machine Gunners, Robert Westall (6+) (England)
- The Man from the Other Side, Uri Orlev (3+) (Holocaust)
- Max’s Gang, Frank Baer (6+)
- The Miracle Tree, Christobel Mattingley (2+)
- Molly Donnelly, Thesman (6+)
- The Morning Glory War, Glassman (3+)
- The Moved-Outers, Means (3+)
- My Daddy was a Soldier: A World War II Story, Deborah Kogan Ray (1-4)
- Naomi’s Road, Joy Kogawa, illus. by Matt Gould. Oxford University Press, 1986 (4-7) (Japanese Internment)
- A Necessary End, Benchley (6+)
- A Night in Distant Motion, Korschunov (6+)
- North of Danger, Dale Fife (6+)
- North to Freedom, Holm (3+) (Holocaust)
- Number the Stars, Lois Lowry. Houghton Mifflin, 1989 (5-7) (Denmark)
- One More Time, Ferry (6+)
- The Other Side of the Family, Maureen Pople (3+) (Australia)
- Pack of Wolves, Bykau (6+)
- The Paladin, Garfield (6+)
- A Pocket full of Seeds, M. Sachs (3-7) (Holocaust, France)
- Rain of Fire, M.D. Bauer (4+)
- Randolph’s Dream, Judith Mellecker (4+)
- Raspberry One, Ferry (6+)
- Refugee, Rose (6+)
- Ride Out the Storm, Harris (6+)
- Rose Blanche, Chrostophe Gallaz and Roberto Innocenti, illus. by Roberto Innocenti. Creative Education, 1985 (5-7)
- Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, Eleanor Coerr. Dell Yearling, 1979 (4-7) (Japan)
- Salted Lemons, Smith (3+)
- The Shadow Army, Rydberg (6+)
- The Silver Sword, Serraillier (3+)
- Sirens and Spies, Janet Taylor Lisle (6+)
- The Sky is Falling, Kit Pearson (3+) (Canada)
- The Snow Goose, Gallico (3+)
- Snow Treasure, Marie McSwigan (3+) (Norway)
- So Far from the Bamboo Grove, Watkins (6+)
- Star Without a Sky, Ossowski (3+) (Holocaust)
- Stepping on the Cracks, Mary Downing Hahn (3+)
- The Summer of My German Soldier, B. Greene (6+)
- A Time for Everything, Sallis (6+)
- Timothy of the Cay, Theodore Taylor (4+)
- To Fight in Silence, Wuorio (6+) (Holocaust)
- Touch Wood: A Girlhood in Occupied France, Roth-Hanno (6+) (Holocaust)
- Transport 7-41-R, Degens (6+)
- Tug of War, Joan Lingard (6+)
- Tunes for Bears to Dance to, Robert Cormier (6+) (Holocaust)
- Twenty and Ten, Claire Hutchet Bishop (4+) (Holocaust)
- Under the Blood-Red Sun, Salisbury (3+)
- Upon the Head of the Goat: A Childhood in Hungary, 1939-1944, Siegal (6+) (Holocaust)
- Waiting for Anya, Michael Morpurgo (3+) (Holocaust, France)
- The Wall, Eve Bunting, illus. by Ronald Himler. Clarion, 1990 (5-7)
- The War at Home, Green (6+)
- We Were Not Like Other People, Efraim Sevela (6+)
- When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit, Kerr (2+)
- The Winter When Time Was Frozen, Pelgrom (6+)
- Who was that Masked Man, Anyway?, Avi (2+)
- Who Won His War, Aaron C. Alex, (3-6)
- The Wind is Not a River, Griese (3+)
- The Winter When Time was Frozen, Els Pelgrom (3+)
- Year of Impossible Goodbyes, Sook Nyul Choi. Houghton, 1991 (4-7)