The Little Humpbacked Horse, Margaret Hodges, illus. by Chris Conover, Farrer. Strauss & Giroux, 1980
Little Sister and the Month Brothers, Beatrice Schenk de Regniers, illus. by Margot Tomes
The Little Snowgirl, Caroline Croll. Putnam, 1989
The Month Brothers: A Slavic Tale, Samuel Marshak, trans. by Thomas P. Whitney, illus. by Diane Stanley. Morrow, 1983
My Mother is the Most Beautiful Woman in the World, Becky Reyher, illus. by Ruth Gannett. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1945
Oom Razoom, or Go I Know Not Where, Bring Back I Know Not What, Diane Wolkstein, illus. by Dennis McDermott. Morrow, 1991
Salt: A Russian Tale, Harve Zemach, illus. by Margot Zemach. Follet, 1965
Soldier and the Tsar in the Forest: A Russian Tale, Uri Shulevits, trans. by Richard Lourie. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1972
The Three Wonderful Beggars, Sally Scott. Greenwillow, 1987
Vassilisa the Wise: A Tale of Medieval Russia, Josepha Sherman, illus. by Daniel San Souci. Harcourt Brace, 1988
Vasilissa the Beautiful, Elizabeth Winthrop, illus. by Alexander Koshkin. HarperCollins, 1991
One Fine Day, Nonny Hogrogian. Macmillan, 1971
The Girl Who Wanted to Hunt, Emery Bernhard, illus. by Durga Bernhard. Holiday House, 1994
The Mitten, Jan Brett. Putnam, 1989
The Mitten, Alvin Tresselt, illus. by Yaroslava. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1964
The Hedgehog Boy: A Latvian Tale, Jane Langton, illus. by Ilse Plume. Harper & Row, 1995
South America
Llama and the Great Flood: A Folktale From Peru, Ellen Alexander. Cromwell/Harper & Row, 1989
Feathers Like a Rainbow: An Amazon Indian Tale, Flora. Harper & Row, 1989
How Night Came from the Sea: A Story from Brazil, Mary-Joan Gerson, illus. by Carla Golembe. Little, Brown, 1994
Moon Rope/Un Lazo de la Luna, Lois Ehlert. Harcourt Brace, 1992
Central America
Brother Anansi and the Cattle Rancher, James de Sauuza, illus. by Stephen Von Mason. Children’s Book Press, 1989 (Nicaragua)
The Invisible Hunters, Harriet Rohmer, illus. by Joe Sam. Children’s Book Press, 1987 (Nicaragua)
The Legend of El Dorando, Nancy Van Laan, illus. by Beatriz Vidal. Knopf, 1991 (Columbia)
The Monkey’s Haircut and Other Stories Told by the Maya, ed. by John Bierhorst, illus. by Robert Andrew Parker. Morrow, 1986
Tales from Silver Lands, Charles Finger, illus. by Paul Honore. Doubleday, 1924 (Central and South America)
Rockaby Crocadile, Jose Aruego and Adriane Dewey. Greenwillow, 1988
Boots and His Brothers, Eric A. Kimmel, illus. by Kimberly Bulken Root. Holiday House, 1992 (Norway)
East o’the Sun and West o’the Moon, Peter Christian Asbjornson, trans. by George Webbe Dasent. Dover, 1970 (1842-43) (Norway)
East of the Sun and West of the Moon, Kathleen and Michael Hague, illus. by Michael Hague. Harcourt Brace, 1980 (Norway)
The Little Old Woman and the Hungry Cat, Nancy Polette, illus. by Frank Modell. Greenwilow, 1989 (Norway)
Nail Soup, Nila Djurklo, adapted by Harve Zemach, illus. by Margot Zemach. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1964 (Sweden)
Tatterhood and the Hobgoblins, Lauren Mills. Little, Brown, 1993 (Norway)
Three Billy Goats Gruff, Peter Christian Asbjornson, illus. by Marcia Brown. Harcourt Brace, 1957 (Norway)
The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Paul Galdone. Clarion, 1979 (1970) (Norway)
The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Glen Rounds. Holiday House, 1993 (Norway)
The Three Little Pigs, Paul Galdone. Clarion, 1981 (1973) (Norway)
Norse Mythology
Adventures with the Giants, Catherine F. Sellew, illus. by Steele Savage. Little, Brown, 1950 (2-5)
D’Aulaire’s Norse Gods and Giants, Ingri and Edgar D’Aulaire. Doubleday, 1986 (1-6)
Axe-Age, Wolf-Age: A Selection from the Norse Myths, Kevin Crossley-Holland, illus. by Hannah Firmin, 1985 (4-6)
Balder and the Mistletoe: A Story for the Winter Holidays, Edna Barth,illus. by Richard Cuffari. Clarion, 1979 (3-6)
Baldur and the Mistletoe: A Myth of the Vikings, Margaret Hodges, illus. by Gerry Hoover. Little, Brown, 1974 (2-5)
The Children of Odin: The Book of Northern Myths, Colum Padraic, illus. by Willy Pogany. Simon & Schuster, 1920 (5-8)
The Doom of the Gods, Michael Harrison, illus. by Tudor Humphries. Oxford, 1985 (4-7)
The Faber Book of Northern Legends, Kevin Crossley-Holland, illus. by Alan Howard. Faber, 1977 (6-9)
Favorite Norse Myths, retold by Mary Pope Osborne, illus. by Troy Howell. Scholastic, 1996 (2+)
The Hammer of Thunder, Ann Pyk, illus. by Jan Pyk. Putnam, 1972 (K-3)
Gods and Heroes from Viking Mythology, Brian Branston, illus. by Giovanni Caselli, 1994 (5-8)
Iduna and the Magic Apples, Marianna Mayer, illus. by Laszlo Gal. Simon & Schuster, 1988 (2-5)
Myths of the Norsemen, Roger Lancelyn Green, illus. by Brian Wildsmith. Puffin, 1970 (4-8)
The Norse Myths, Kevin Crossley-Holland. Pantheon, 1981 (7-9)
Norse Stories, Robert Hull, illus. by Adam Stower & Jonathan Heap. Thomson Learning, 1993 (4-9)
Odin’s Family: Myths of the Vikings, retold by Neil Philip, illus. by Maryclare Foa. Orchard, 1996 (4-9)
Stolen Thunder: A Norse Myth, Shirley Climo, illus. by Alexander Koshkin. Clarion, 1994 (1-5)
Thor and the Giants, Anita Feagles, illus. by Gertrude Barrer Russell. Young Scott Books, 1968 (2-4)
Thor’s Visit to the Land of the Giants, Nancy Wilson Ross, illus. by Aldren A. Wilson. Random, 1959 (2-5)
Thunder of the Gods, Dorothy Hosford, illus. by Claire and George Louder. Holt, 1952 (2-5)
Why Heimdall Blew His Horn: Tales of the Norse Gods, Frederick Laing, illus. by Leo and Diane Dillon. General Learning Corp., 1969 (2-5)
United States
American Tall Tales, Mary Pope Osborne, illus. by Michael McCurdy. Knopf, 1991
Burgoo Stew, Susan Patron, illus. by Mike Shenon. Orchard, 1991
Chicken Little, Steven Kellogg. Morrow, 1988
Cut From the Same Cloth: American Women of Myth, Legend and Tall Tale, Robert D. San Souci, illus. by Brian Pinkney. Philomel, 1993
Dawn, Molly Bang, 1983
Grandfather Tales, Richard Chase. Houghton Mifflin, 1973 (1948)
The Jack Tales, Richard Chase, illus. by Berkeley Williams Jr.. Houghton Mifflin, 1993 (1943)
Jack and the Bean Tree, Gail E. Haley. Crown, 1986
Johnny Appleseed, Steven Kellogg. Morrow, 1988
Johnny Appleseed, Reeve Lindbergh, illus. by Kathy Jakobsen. Little, Brown, 1990
Journey Cake, Ho!, Ruth Sawyer, illus. by Robert McCloskey. Viking, 1953
Larger Than Life: The Adventures of American Legendary Heroes, Robert D. San Souci, illus. by Andrew Glass. Doubleday, 1991
Moss Gown, William Hooks, illus. by Donald Carrick. Clarion, 1987
Ol’ Paul, The Mighty Logger, Glen Rounds. Holiday House, 1949
Paul Bunyan, Steven Kellogg. Morrow, 1986
Pecos Bill, Steven Kellogg. Morrow, 1986
Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Crockett: A Tall Tale, Caron Lee Cohen, illus. by Ariane Dewey. Greenwillow, 1993
Sally Ann Thunder Ann Whirlwind Crockett, Steven Kellogg. Morrow, 1995
The Soup Stone, Iris Van Rynbach. Greenwillow, 1988
The Three Little Pigs and the Fox, William Hooks, illus. by S.D. Schindler. Macmillan, 1989
Tucker Pfeffercorn, Barry Moser. Little, Brown, 1994
North American Aboriginal
And It is Still That Way, Byrd Baylor. Scribners, 1976
Arrow to the Sun, Gerald McDermott. Viking, 1974 The Boy Who Lived With the Bears and Other Iroquois Stories, Joseph Bruchac, illus. by Murv Jacob. HarperCollins, 1995
The Boy Who Lived With the Seals, Rafe Martin, illus. by David Shannon. Putnam, 1993
Buffalo Dance: A Blackfoot Legend, Nancy Van Laan, illus. by Beatriz Vidal. Little, Brown, 1993
Buffalo Woman, Paul Goble. Bradbury, 1984 (Plains Indian)
The Children of the Morning Light: Wampanoag Tales, Manitonquat, illus. by Mary F. Arguette. Macmillan, 1994
Coyote: A Trickster Tale From the American Southwest, Gerald McDermott. Harcourt Brace, 1994
Coyote Walks on Two Legs: A Book of Navajo Myths and Legends, Gerald Hausman, illus. by Floyd Cooper. Putnam, 1994
Crow and Hawk: A Traditional Pueblo Indian Story, Michael Rosin, illus. by John Clementson. Harcourt Brace, 1995
Dance of the Sacred Circle: A Native American Tale, by Kristina Rodanas. Little, Brown, 1994 (Blackfoot)
The Dark Way: Stories From the Spirit World, Virginia Hamilton, illus. by Lambert Davis. Harcourt Brace, 1990
Earthmaker’s Tales: North American Indian Stories From Earth Happenings, Will Gretchen Mayo. Walker, 1989
The Eye of the Needle, Teri Slote. Dutton, 1990
The Fire Bringer: A Paiute Indian Legend, Margaret Hodges, illus. by Peter Parnall. Little, Brown, 1972
The First Strawberries: A Cherokee Story, Joseph Bruchac, illus. by Anna Vojtech. Dial, 1993
The Fish Skin, Jamie Oliviero, illus. by Brent Morrisseau. Hyperion, 1994 (Cree)
The Ghost and Lone Warrior: An Arapaho Legend, C.J. Taylor. Tundra Books, 1991 (1-5)
The Gift of the Sacred Dog, Paul Goble. Bradbury, 1980 (Plains Indian)
The Girl Who Loved Coyote: Stories of the Southwest, Nancy Wood, illus. by Diana Bryer. Morrow, 1995
The Girl Who Loved Wild Horses, Paul Goble. Bradbury, 1978 (Plains Indian)
Glooscap Legends, Stanley T. Spicer, illus. by Teresa MacPhee. Lancelot Press, 1991 (3+)
The Great Ball Game: A Muskogee Story, Josepgh Bruchac, illus. by Susan L. Roth. Dial, 1994
The Great Race of the Birds and the Animals, Paul Goble. Bradbury, 1985 (Plains Indian)
Gluskabe and the Four Wishes, Joseph Bruchac, illus. by Christine Nyburg Shrader. Cobblehill, 1994
Her Seven Brothers, Paul Goble. Bradbury, 1988
How Chipmunk Got Tiny Feet: Native American Animal Origin Stories, Gerald Hausman, illus. by Ashley Wolff. HarperColllins, 1995
How Food Was Given: An Okanagan Legend, illus. by Barbara Marchand. Theytus Books, 1991 (K-2)
How Glooscap Outwits the Ice Giants and Other Tales of the Maritime Indians, Howard Norman, illus. by Michael McCurdy. Little, Brown 1989
How Rabbit Stole the Fire, Joanna Troughton, Bedrick/Blackie. 1986
How Snowshoe Hare Rescued the Sun: A Tale Told from the Arctic, Emery Bernhard, illus. by Durga Bernhard. Holiday House, 1993 (Yuit)
How Summer Came to Canada, Willliam Toye, illus. by Elizabeth Cleaver. Walck, 1969
How the Loon Lost Her Voice, Anne Cameron. Harbour, 1985 (1-7)
How Thunder and Lightning Came to Be, Beatrice Orcutt Harrell, illus. by Susan L. Roth. Dial, 1995
How Turtle’s Back Was Cracked, Gayle Ross, illus. by Marvin Jacob. Dial 1995
How Two-Feather Was Saved from Loneliness: An Abenaki Legend, C.J. Taylor, illus. by Teresa MacPhee. Tundra Books, 1990 (1-4)
Iktomi and the Berries: A Plains Indian Story, Paul Goble. Orchard, 1989
Iktomi and the Boulder: A Plains Indian Story, Paul Goble. Orchard, 1988
Iktomi and the Buffalo Skull: A Plains Indian Story, Paul Goble. Orchard, 1991
Iktomi and the Buzzard, Paul Goble. Orchard, 1994
Iktomi and the Ducks: A Plains Indian Story, Paul Goble. Orchard, 1990
Ladder to the Sky, Barbara Juster Esbensen, illus. by Helen K. Davie. Little, Brown, 1989
The Legend of the Bluebonnet: An Old Tale of Texas, Tomie dePaola. Punam, 1983 (Comanche)
Little Water and the Gift of Animals, C.J. Taylor. Tundra Books, 1990 (1-4) (Seneca)
The Loon’s Necklace, William Toye, illus. by Elizabeth Cleaver. Oxford University Press, 1977
The Lost Children, Paul Goble. Bradbury, 1993 (Blackfoot)
Ma’ii and Cousin Horned Toad, Shonto Begay. Scholastic, 1992 (Navajo)
The Mud Pony, Caron Lee Cohen, illus. by Shonto Begay. Scholastic, 1988,
The Princess and the Sea Bear and Other Tsimshian Stories, Joan Skogan, illus. by Claudia Stewart. Polestar Press, 1990 (2-6)
Raven: A Trickster Tale From the Pacific Northwest, Gerald McDermott. Harcourt Brace, 1993
Raven’s Light: A Myth From the People of the Northwest Coast, Susan Hand Shetterly, illus. by Robert Shetterly. Atheneum, 1991
Raven the Trickster, Gail Robinson. Atheneum, 1982
The Rough-Face Girl, Rafe Martin, illus. by David Shannon. Putnam, 1992
The Seal Oil Lamp, Dale De Armond. Sierra Club/Little, Brown, 1988 (Inuit)
Sketco the Raven, Robert Ayre, illus. by Philip Surrey. Scholastic Canada, 1991 (3-7) (Athapaskan)
Sky Dogs, Jane Yolen, illus. by Barry Moser. Harcourt Brace, 1990
Sootface: An Ojibwa Cinderella, Robert D. San Souci, illus. by Daniel San Souci. Doubleday, 1994
Spotted Eagle and the Black Crow: A Lakota Legend, Emery Bernhard, illus. by Durga Bernhard. Holiday House, 1993
Star Boy, Paul Goble. Bradbury, 1983 (Plains Indian)
The Star Maiden, Barbara Juster Esbensen, illus. by Helen K. Davie. Little, Brown, 1988
The Story of Jumping Mouse: A Native American Legend, John Steptoe. Morrow, 1984
The Story of Light, Susan Roth. Morrow, 1990
The Story of the Milky Way, Joseph Bruchac and Gayle Ross, illus. by Virginia Stroud. Dial, 1995 (Cherokee)
Tales the Elders Told: Ojibway Legends, Basie H. Johnston, illus. by Shirley Cheecho. Royal Ontario Museum, 1981 (3+)
They Dance in the Sky: Native American Star Myths, Jean Guard Monroe and Ray A. Williamson, illus. by Edgar Stewart. Houghton Mifflin, 1987
Tikta Liktak: An Eskimo Legend, James Houston. Harcourt Brace, 1965
The Tree That Rains: The Flood Myth of the Huichol Indians of Mexico, Emery Bernhard. illus. by Durga Benhard, Holiday House, 1994
The Trouble with Princesses, Christie Harris, illus. by Douglas Tait. McClelland and Stewart, 1984 (3+) (Northwest Coast)
Uncegila’s Seventh Spot: A Lakota Legend, Jill Rubalcaba, illus. by Irving Toddy. Clarion, 1995
The White Archer: An Eskimo Legend, James Houston. Harcourt Brace, 1967
The White Deer and Other Stories Told by the Lenape, John Bierhorst. Morrow, 1995
Ytek and the Arctic Orchard: An Inuit Legend, Garnet Hewitt, illus. by Heather Woodall. Douglas & McIntyre, 1981 (2-7)
Beauty and the Beast, Mme. de Beaumont, illus. by Jan Brett. Houghton Mifflin, 1989
Beauty and the Beast, Mme. de Beaumont, retold and illus. by Mordicai Gerstein. Dutton, 1989
Beauty and the Beast, Mme. de Beaumont, illus. by Michael Hague. Holt, 1988
Beauty and the Beast, Mme. de Beaumont, retold and illus. by Warwick Hutton. Atheneum, 1985
Cinderella, Barbara Karlin, illus. by James Marshall. Little, Brown, 1989
Cinderella, Charles Perrault, illus. by Marcia Brown. Scribner’s, 1954
Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper, Charles Perrault, illus. by Errol Le Cain. Bradbury, 1973
The Magic Porridge Pot, Paul Galdone. Clarion, 1979 (1976)
Puss in Boots, Lorinda Bryan Cauley. Harcourt Brace, 1986
Puss in Boots, Paul Galdone. Clarion, 1979 (1976)
Puss in Boots, Charles Perrault, Translated by Malcolm Arthur, illus. by Fred Marcellino. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1990
Puss in Boots, Charles Perrault, Retold by Lincoln Kirstein, illus. by Alain Vaƫs. Little, Brown, 1992
The Sleeping Beauty, Charles Perrault, illus. by Margaret Early. Abrams, 1993
Stone Soup, Marcia Brown. Scribner’s, 1947
Stone Soup, John Warren Stewig, illus. by Margot Tomes. Holiday House, 1991
Three Perfect Peaches, Cynthia De Felice and Mary DeMarsh, illus. by Irene Trias. Orchard, 1995
Three Sacks of Truth: A Story From France, Eric A. Kimmel, illus. by Robert Rayevsky. Holiday House, 1993
Toads and Diamonds, Robert Bender. Lodestar, 1995
The Twelve Dancing Princesses, Marianna Mayer, illus. by Kinuko Y. Craft. Morrow, 1989
The White Cat, Robert D. San Souci, illus. by Gennady Spirin. Orchard, 1990
The Empty Pot, Demi. Holt, 1990
Eyes of the Dragon, Margaret Leaf, illus. by Ed Young. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1987
The Five Chinese Brothers, Claire Huchet Bishop, illus. by Kurt Wiese. Coward-McCann, 1938
The Fourth Question: A Chinese Tale, Rosalind C. Wang, illus. by Ju-Hong Chen. Holiday House, 1991
Little Plum, Ed Young. Philomel, 1994
The Long-Haired Girl, Doreen Rappaport, illus. by Yang Ming-Yi. Dial, 1995
Lon Po Po: A Red Riding Hood Story from China, Ed Young. Philomel, 1989
The Magic Tapestry, Demi. Holt, 1994
The Seven Chinese Brothers, Margaret Mahy, illus. by Jean and Mou-Sien Tseng. Scholastic, 1990.
A Song of Stars: An Asian Legend, Tom Birdseye, illus. by Ju-Hong Chen. Holiday House, 1990
Two of Everything, Lily Toy Hong. Whitman, 1993
The Weaving of a Dream: A Chinese Folktale, Marilee Heyer. Penguin, 1986
The Wedding of the Rat Family, Carol Kendall, illus. by James Watt. McElderry, 1988
Yeh-Shen: A Cinderella Story from China, Ai-Ling Louie, illus. by Ed Young. Philomel, 1982
Chinese American
The Man Who Tricked a Ghost, Laurence Yep, illus. by Isadore Seltzer. Bridgewater, 1993
The Rainbow People, Laurence Yep, illus. by David Wiesner. Harper & Row, 1989
The Star Fisher, Laurence Yep. Morrow, 1991
Tales from Gold Mountain, Paul Yee, illus. by Simon Ng. Macmillan, 1990
Tongues of Jade, Laurence Yep, illus. by David Wiesner. HarperCollins, 1991
Bamboo Hats and Rice Cakes, Ann Tompert, illus. by Demi. Crown, 1993
The Boy of the Three-Year Nap, Diane Snyder, illus. by Allan Say. Houghton Mifflin, 1988
The Crane Wife, Sumiko Yagawa, trans. by Katherine Paterson, illus. by Suekichi Akaba. Morrow, 1981
The Dancing Kettle and Other Japanese Folk Tales, Yoshiko Uchida, illus. by Richard C. Jones. Harcourt Brace, 1949
The Funny Little Woman, Arlene Mosel. illus. by Blair Lent Dutton, 1972
The Inch Boy, Junco Morimoto. Viking, 1986
Lily and the Wooden Bowl, Alan Schroeder, illus. by Yoriko Ito. Doubleday, 1994
The Loyal Cat, Lensey Namioka, illus. by Aki Sogabe. Browndeer, 1995
The Magic Purse, Yoshiko Uchida, illus. by Keiko Narahasi. McElderry, 1993.
Momotaro, the Peach Boy, Linda Shute. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard 1986
On Cat Mountain, Francoise Richard, adapted by Arthur A. Levine, illus. by Anne Buguet. Putnam, 1994
A Song of Stars: An Asian Legend, Tom Birdseye, illus. by Ju-Hong Chen. Holiday House, 1990
The Stonecutter: A Japanese Folk Tale, Gerald McDermott. Penguin, 1975
The Tale of the Mandarin Ducks, Katherine Paterson, illus. by Leo and Diane Dillon. Lodestar, 1990
Three Strong Women: A Tall Tale from Japan, Claus Stamm, illus. by Jean and Mou-Sien Tseng. Viking, 1991 [1962]
The Tongue-Cut Sparrow, Momoko Ishii, trans. by Katherine Paterson, illus. by Suekichi Akaba. Dutton, 1982.
The Wave, Margaret Hodges, illus. by Blair Lent. Houghton Mifflin, 1964
The Wise Old Woman, Yoshiko Uchida, illus. by Martin Springetti. McElderry. 1994.
The Korean Cinderella, Shirley Climo, illus. by Ruth Heller. HarperCollins, 1993
Magic Spring: A Korean Folktale, Nami Rhee. Putnam, 1993
The Moles and the Mireuk, Holly Kwon, illus. by Woodleigh Hubbard. Houghton Mifflin, 1993
The Rabbit’s Escape, Suzanne Crowder Han, illus. by Yumi Heo. Holt, 1995
The Rabbit’s Judgment, Suzanne Crowder Han, illus. by Yumi Heo. Holt. 1994
The Brocaded Slipper and Other Vietnamese Tales, Lynette Dyer Vuong, illus. by Vo-Dinh Mai. HarperCollins, 1991
Why Ducks Sleep on One Leg, Sherry Garland, illus. by Jean and Mou-Sien Teng. Scholastic, 1993
Foolish Rabbit’s Big Mistake, Rafe Martin, illus. by Ed Young, Putnam, 1985
Once a Mouse, Marcia Brown. Scribner’s, 1961
Rum Pum Pum: A Folk Tale from India, Maggie Duff, illus. by Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey. Macmillan, 1978
The Stonecutter, Pam Newton. Putnam, 1990
The Story of Wali Dad, Kristina Rodanas. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1988
Middle East
Aladdin, Andrew Lang, illus. by Errol Le Cain. Viking, 1981
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, Carol Carrick, illus. by Donald Carrick. Scholastic, 1989
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, Walter McVitty, illus. by Margaret Early. Abrams, 1989
The Arabian Nights, Nell Philip, illus. by Sheila Moxley. Orchard, 1994
Arabian Nights: Three Tales, Deborah Nourse Lattimore. HarperCollins, 1995
Hidden in the Sand, Margaret Hodges, illus. by Paul Bitling. Scribner’s, 1994
Rimonah of the Flashing Sword, Eric A. Kimmel, illus. by Omar Rayyan. Holiday House, 1995
The Tale of Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, Eric A. Kimmel, illus. by Ju-Hong Chen. Holiday House, 1992
The Three Princes, Eric A. Kimmel, illus. by Leonard Everett Fisher. Holiday House, 1995
Watermelons, Walnuts, and the Wisdom of Allah and Other Tales of the Hoca, Barbara Walker, illus. by Harold Berson. Parents Magazine Press, 1967
Bit by Bit, Steve Sanfield, illus. by Susan Gaber. Philomel, 1995
Brothers: A Hebrew Legend, Florence B. Freedman, illus. by Robert Andrew Parker. Harper & Row, 1985
The Diamond Tree: Jewish Tales from Around the World, Howard Schwartz and Barbara Rush, illus. by Uri Shulevitz. HarperCollins, 1991
Elijah the Slave, Isaac Bashevis Singer, trans. by the author and Elizabeth Shub, illus. by Antonio Frasconi. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1970.
It Could Always Be Worse, Margot Zemach. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1977
It’s Too Noisy, Joanna Cole, illus. by Kate Duke. Crowell/Harper & Row 1989
Mazel and Shlimazel, or the Milk of a Lioness, Isaac Bashevis Singer, illus. by Margot Zemach. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1967.
Something from Nothing, Phoebe Gilman. Scholastic, 1992
When Shlemiel Went to Warsaw and Other Stories, Isaac Bashevis Singer, trans. by the author and Elizabeth Shub, illus. by Margot Zemach. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1968.
Zlateh the Goat, and Other Stories, Isaac Bashevis Singer, trans. by the author and Elizabeth Shub, illus. by Maurice Sendak. Harper & Row, 1966.
The Silver Cow: A Welsh Tale, Susan Cooper, illus. by Warwick Hutton. McElderry, 1983
The Boy and the Giants, Fiona Moody. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1993
Greyling, Jane Yolen, illus. by David Ray. Philomel, 1991 (Shetland Islands)
The Seal Mother, Mordicai Gerstein. Dial, 1986
Scottish Folk-Tales and Legends, Barbara Ker Wilson, illus. by Joan Kiddell-Monroe. Walck, 1954
The Selkie Girl, Susan Cooper, illus. by Warwick Hutton. McElderry, 1986
Tam Lin, Jane Yolen, illus. by Charles Mikolaycak. Harcourt Brace, 1990
Tam Lin, Susan Cooper, illus. by Warwick Hutton, McElderry, 1991
Wild Robin, Susan Jeffers. Dutton, 1976
Clever Tom and the Leprechaun, Linda Shute. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1988
Chicken Licken, Gavin Bishop. Oxford University Press, 1984
Dick Whittington and His Cat, Marcia Brown. Scribner’s, 1950
Dully and the Devil, Harve Zemach, illus. by Margot Zemach. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1973
The Fine Round Cake, Arnica Esterl, trans. by Pauline Hejl, illus. by Andrej Dugin and Olga Dugina. Four Winds, 1991
The Gingerbread Boy, Paul Galdone. Clarion, 1984 [1968]
Goldilocks and the Three Bears, James Marshall. Dial, 1988
Henny Penny, Stephen Butler. Tambourine, 1991
The History of Mother Twaddle and the Marvelous Achievements of Her Son Jack, Paul Galdone. Seabury, 1974
The House That Jack Built, William Stobbs. Oxford University Press, 1983
Jack and the Beanstalk, Lorinda Bryan Cauley. Pumare, 1983
Jack and the Beanstalk, Steven Kellogg. Morrow, 1991
The Little Red Hen, Paul Galdone. Clarion, 1979. [1974]
The Little Red Hen, Margot Zemach. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1983
The Story of the Three Little Pigs, Joseph Jacobs, illus. by Lorinda Bryan Cauley. Pumare, 1980
Tattercoats, Joseph Jacobs, illus. by Margot Tomes. Putnam, 1989
The Three Little Pigs, James Marshall. Dial, 1989
The Three Pigs, Tony Ross. Pantheon, 1983
Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf, Glen Rounds. Holiday House, 1992
The Three Wishes: An Old Story, Margot Zemach. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1986
Tom Tit Tot, Evaline Ness. Scribner’s, 1965
Iron John, Eric A. Kimmel, illus. by Trina Schart Hyman. Holiday House, 1994
The Merry Pranks of Till Eulenspiegel, Lisbeth Zwerger. Picture Book Studio, 1990
Red Riding Hood, James Marshall. Dial, 1987
Rumpelstiltskin, Paul Galdone. Houghton Mifflin, 1985
Rumpelstiltskin, Alison Sage, illus. by Gennady Spirin. Dial, 1991
Brothers Grimm
The Bremen-Town Musicians, retold and illus. by Ilse Plume. Doubleday, 1980
Cinderella, illus. by Nonny Hogrogian. Greenwillow, 1981
The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs, illus. by Nonny Hogrogian. Knopf, 1983
The Elves and the Shoemaker, illus. by Bernadette Watts, North-South, 1986
The Fisherman and His Wife, trans. by Randall Jartell, illus. by Margot Zemach. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1980
The Fisherman and His Wife, retold by John Warren Stewig, illus. by Margot Tomes, Holiday House, 1988
The Frog Prince, retold by Jan Ormerod and David Lloyd, illus. by Jan Ormerod. Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1990
Hansel and Gretel, illus. by Anthony Browne, Knopf, 1988 [1981]
Hansel and Gretel, trans. by Elizabeth D. Crawford, illus. by Lisbeth Zwerger. Morrow, 1979
Hansel and Gretel, illus. by Paul Galdone. McGraw-Hill, 1982
Hansel and Gretel, retold by Rika Lesser, illus. by Paul O. Zelinsky. Dodd Mead, 1984
Household Stories of the Brothers Grimm, trans. by Lucy Crane, illus. by Walter Crane, Dover, 1886
The Juniper Tree and Other Tales from Grimm, trans. by Lore Segal and Maurice Sendak, illus. by Maurice Sendak. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1973
Little Red Cap, trans. by Elizabeth D. Crawford, illus. by Lisbeth Zwerger. Morrow, 1983
Little Red Riding Hood, illus. by Trina Schart Hyman. Holiday House, 1983
Mother Holly, retold and illus. by Bernadette Watts, North-South, 1988
The Princess and the Frog, illus. by Rachel Isadora. Greenwillow, 1989
Princess Furball, retold by Charlotte Huck, illus. by Anita Lobel. Greenwillow, 1989
Rapunzel, retold by Barbara Rogasky, illus. by Trina Schart Hyman. Holiday House, 1982
Rumpelstiltskin, illus. by Paul Galdone. Clarion 1985
Rumpelstiltskin, retold and illus. by Paul O. Zelinksy. Dutton, 1986
The Seven Ravens, trans. by Elizabeth D. Crawford, illus. by Lisbeth Zwerger. Morrow, 1981
The Sleeping Beauty, retold and illus. by Trina Schart Hyman. Little, Brown, 1974
Snow White, trans. by Paul Heins, illus. by Trina Schart Hyman. Little, Brown, 1974
Snow White and Rose Red, illus. by Barbara Cooney. Delacorte, 1991 [1965]
Snow White and Rose Red, illus. by Gennady Spirin. Philomel, 1992
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, trans. by Randall Jartell, illus. by Nancy Ekholm Burkert. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1972
The Table, the Donkey, and the Stick, illus. by Paul Galdone. McGraw-Hill, 1976
Thorn Rose or the Sleeping Beauty, illus. by Errol Le Cain. Bradbury, 1975
Twelve Dancing Princesses, illus. by Errol Le Cain. Bradbury, 1975
Strega Nona, Tomie de Paola. Prentice Hall, 1975
General Folktales
Anpao, Jamake Highwater, illus. by Fritz Scholder. Lippincott/Harper & Row, 1977
The Giant’s Toe, Brock Cole. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1988
Jim and the Beanstalk, Raymond Briggs. Coward-McCann, 1970
The Soup Stone, Iris Van Rynbach. Greenwillow, 1988
Stone Soup, Tony Ross. Dial, 1990
Swamp Angel, Anne Isaacs, illus. by Paul O. Zindel. Dutton, 1994
General Collections
From Sea to Shining Sea, Amy Cohn, illus. by various artists. Scholastic, 1993
The Helen Oxenbury Nursery Story Book, Helen Oxenbury. Knopf, 1985
The Maid of the North: Feminist Folk Tales from Around the World, Ethel Johnston Phelps, illus. by Lloyd Bloom. Holt, 1981
More Stories to Solve: Fifteen Folktales from Around the World, George Shannon, illus. by Peter Sis. Greenwillow, 1990
The Old Woman and Her Pig and Ten Other Stories, Anne Rockwell. Crowell/Harper & Row, 1979
Stories to Solve: Folktales from Around the World, George Shannon, illus. by Peter Sis. Greenwillow, 1985.
A Telling of the Tales: Five Stories, William J. Brooke, illus. by Richard Egielski. HarperCollins, 1990
The Three Bears & Fifteen Other Stories, Anne Rockwell. Crowell/Harper & Row, 1975
Womenfolk and Fairy Tales, ed. Rosemary Minard, illus. by Suzanne Klelin. Houghton Mifflin, 1975