Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Snowman picture

2011 was a year of wonderful experiences. Most of it was spent on maternity leave, I have been so thankful that I was able to spend a full 15 months at the beginning of my daughter’s life and during the preschool time of my son’s life. While I do miss being there for them, I welcomed a new school in September!

I love my job and I love my family life. These two weeks spent at home during the holidays has reminded me of that. I’m one of those teachers who looks forward to the holidays that I get, but also starts itching to be back at school as soon as the holidays start!

As I go back to enjoy my family time (we are still going through Christmas movies), I just wanted to share with you some New Year’s printables so that you have some new ideas to begin January with. I always find it a pain to find things to do related to the new year, it’s such an abstract concept for our kids to grasp. This year, I’m going to focus on goal setting at home and at school. Then, I can check off some learning outcomes!

Good luck in 2012. May this year be filled with joy and laughter at home and at work!
Happy Teaching,

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New Year’s Resolutions Booklet
New Year's Resolution Booklet

Ring in the New Year!
Ring in the New Year

… and here’s an end of the day song that we sing that I’ve modified for the new year.

Good bye good bye,
Our year is done,
We worked we played we had some fun,
So let’s be happy and safe and kind,
As we welcome another one.
Happy 2012!

… and a New Year’s resolutions poem I wrote in my head while thinking about New Year’s Eve plans and then ending up thinking about school!

New Year’s Resolutions
New Year's Resolutions Poem